Sabri Ülker Physiology Lab

The Sabri Ülker Physiology Lab has a full complement of instrumentation that Director Dr. Inouye uses to support the research of the members of the Hotamışlıgil lab, in addition to colleagues throughout the Longwood Medical area. These instruments include:

  • High resolution CT scanner for mice and rats.Metabolic cages
  • Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum In Vivo Imaging System for in vivo imaging of bioluminescence and

    fluorescence signal in live mice to monitor conditions such as inflammation, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, arthritis, and cancer.
  • SCIREQ Flexivent for measurement of respiratory mechanics in mice.
  • EchoMRI and DEXA for measurement of lean and fat mass, and bone density in live mice.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate monitor for awake mice or rats.
  • Multi-lane treadmill with adjustable speed and incline, for performing exercise

    studies in mice and rats.
The Sabri Ülker Animal Physiology Lab provides access to the most advanced tools for analyzing animal metabolism and behavior, including a Sable Systems Promethion Core metabolic cage system. This system is comprised of 16 cages each with: independent mass flow controllers, pumps, onboard real-time acquisition and analysis modules, and local data storage. Cages are located in a temperature- and light-controlled cabinet that allows cold exposure or thermoneutral measurements with adjusted light cycles
Metabolic cages are an essential tool for measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in mice, thus allowing monitoring of the effects of genetic alterations, diets, and treatments on energy expenditure and fuel utilization. Our new system has higher capacity and many upgrades. The system monitors their activity, measures food and water intake and body weight, and has running wheels for measuring oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during exercise.

The Sabri Ülker Center provides users with support and instruction as needed.