About the Lab
The Hotamışlıgil Lab for Nutrient, Genetic, and Metabolic Research was established in 1994 and from 2014 – 2024 operated under the Sabri Ülker Center through the historic generosity of Mr. Murat Ülker, on behalf of the Ülker family and community. The lab holds a core mission of conducting long-term fundamental science and training centered on metabolism by:
• pursuing long-term, fundamental research, generating and disseminating new knowledge
• inspiring young minds to engage in science, and to train the next generation of scientists
• translating basic scientific discoveries into new treatments for common and devastating diseases
The Lab exists within, relies upon, and contributes to, the intellectually rich environment of a leading school of public health within one of the world’s foremost research universities. The Lab also benefits from its position at the epicenter of biotechnology, medical learning, and leadership and critical mass of scholars that are situated in Boston, Massachusetts.